Breathe. Educate.
Advocate. Inspire.

Over the past decade Hanover Yoga & Wellness, a small Yoga community in Hanover County, VA has helped humans of all shapes and backgrounds connect with the benefits of practicing Yoga. Over the years, our focus has shifted to providing safe and supportive Yoga and Meditation sessions to individuals with special needs, such as physical, mental, and intellectual disabilities, as well as their caregivers and loved ones.

I am strong.

I am beautiful.
I am smart.
I am enough.
And I’m tough!

We also share information for individuals with disabilities and their families. If you have a child with a medical need, disability, and/or developmental delay, we help families connect to non-profits and resources in their community.

It takes a village to raise a child, it takes a child with a disability to raise the awareness of that village.

It takes a village to raise a child, it takes a child with a disability to raise the awareness of that village.

Group Sessions

Hanover Yoga will be offering a weekly group Sound Healing Meditation Session in partnership with Ashland Yoga Co-Op and Hanover Arts & Activity Center in Ashland! Learn more here.

Private Sessions

Are you interested in a private, modified Yoga and/or Sound Healing Meditation session for you and your loved one(s) with a disability? Please reach out to us for options for private yoga sessions! Learn more here.


Are you a parent or someone caring for a child with a disability? View our resource page with information for individuals with disabilities and their families. Breathe, and get educated. Learn more here.


April 2019

I always look forward to my yoga classes with Hanover Yoga. I leave classes feeling stronger and with a greater sense of peace and calmness.

Quote Source / Google Business

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